Lumi Cloud Tutorials
Lumi Cloud Device Setup
Video Tutorial:
Setup tutorial on Youtube
Adding your Media & Creating your Schedule
- I want to use Google Slides
Google Slides are FREE and provide the perfect feature set for digital signage!
Create your slideshow and get the public URL (tutorial video)
Add this URL as a "Play URL (web)" command in your selected schedule.
Update your Lumi TV (settings=>manual update) and your schedule should start running!
- I want to use Local Media
Lumi TV can play your Local Media directly without any additional apps.
Transfer your media to a location accessible to Lumi TV (see help)
Add the appropriate "Play Media" commands in your selected schedule.
Update your Lumi TV (settings=>manual update) and your schedule should start running!
- I want to use a Centrally Managed Signage App solution
CMS apps like SplashTiles provide a powerfull feature set to create, synchronize, and display all types of media across all your displays using a single Cloud based interface.
To get started, just select a CMS app to install in your profile.
Some apps also support Managed Configs which allow you to enter your CMS account details directly in your profile, thus skipping the additional step of linking each Lumi TV device to the apps cloud account.
Once your Lumi TV device is linked to the CMS cloud account they can all be centrally controlled using their CMS solution.
Lumi TV Pro remote control, status, and monitoring is still available when using CMS apps and provides additional low level control not possible in CMS apps.
Controlling Lumi Cloud with external controllers or services
Please see our
reference documentation.