Android Media Storage
Your Lumi TV device can access media files from several sources.
Direct URL access
- Video, Images, Audio, and Web pages can be directly accessed via URL
- http:// or https:// URLs support all types
- rtsp:// or udp:// URLs support video streams
- smb:// URLs support files from local network SAMBA shares (smb://ip_address/SHARENAME/pathtofile)
- Authentication is supported using the syntax rtsp://user:password@restofurl
- Google Slideshows are directly support, please see our tutorial video on how to create the public URL
- Lumi Schedules, Scripts, and Remote control can access these files using Play_Media (URL)
USB shared storage
- Video, Images, and Audio can be stored on an attached USB flash drive
- Use FAT32, NTFS, or exFAT format
- Connect to the BLUE USB port on Lumi TV
- Lumi TV will create a directory structure on the USB stick the first time it is connected
- Files in the "Android" directory are App Private Storage
- Files in other directories are USB Shared Storage
- We recommend using the "Pictures", "Movies", and "Music" directories for your media
- All directories EXCLUDING "Android" will automatically be searched for media
- When using Shell access, the media directories are at: /storage/USB_VOL_NAME/
- Lumi Schedules, Scripts, and Remote control can access these files using Play_Media (local)
Internal shared storage
- Video, Images, and Audio can be stored to Lumi TV's internal 32GB flash memory
- We recommend leaving at least 2 GB free for system updates
- Use the File Manager app or System settings to view available space
- Internal memory has the following directory structure
- Files in the "Android" directory are App Private Storage
- We recommend using the "Pictures", "Movies", and "Music" directories for your media
- All directories EXCLUDING "Android" will automatically be searched for media
- When using Shell access, the media directories are at: /storage/emulated/0/
- Lumi Schedules, Scripts, and Remote control can access these files using Play_Media (local)
App private storage
- App private storage are files saved by Apps that are not shared
- File in App private storage can only be accessed by the app that created them
Local network storage
- Shared Network Drives (SAMBA shares)
- Media on SAMBA shares can be directly accessed without copying to Lumi TV (see Direct URL access above)
- You can also mount SAMBA shares using the Media Center or File Manager apps
- File Manager can copy files from mounted shares to either USB or Internal Shared Storage
- Shared Network Drives (NFS shares)
- You can mount NFS shares using the Media Center app
- File Manager can copy files from mounted shares to either USB or Internal Shared Storage
- FTP and SFTP
- File Manager can create a FTP server to allow file transfer to/from Lumi TV
- File Manager can also connect to a SFTP server to directly copy files to Lumi TV
Cloud storage
- Most CMS applications offer the ability to directly sync media stored in the Cloud to your Lumi TV device.
- For example, SplashTiles allows you to directly sync media from a folder in your Google Drive
- Media synced by CMS apps is usually stored in App Private Storage, so it is only accessible by the CMS app.
You can also install apps like Dropbox that will sync a cloud media folder directly Lumi TV.
- Media synced by these apps is usually stored in Internal Shared Storage, so it is accessible via Remote Control, Schedules, or any other app with WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.